About SANDS Australia

Each year in Australia, approximately 150,000 couples experience reproductive loss; about 147,000 experience a miscarriage, 1,750 babies are stillborn and about 850 babies die in the first 28 days after birth.

Sands promotes awareness, parent support and understanding following the death of a baby (occurring any time from conception through to newborn).

1300 0 sands - 24hr telephone support

If you need support call 1300 0 sands (1300 0 72637) now. Your call is confidential.

The 1300 0 sands telephone line connects you directly to a Sands parent supporter. Sands parent supporters have experienced the loss of a baby and have undertaken bereavement support training. They are volunteers, so if your call is not answered immediately please leave a message and they will get back to you as soon as possible.

What SANDS offers

Join a parent support group

To find your nearest support group phone 1300 0 sands (1300 0 72637) or contact your regional Sands office.

Or, join us on Facebook and interact with others who have experienced the loss of a baby.

Bereaved parents who have experienced reproductive loss can share stories, thoughts and feelings with others who have had a similar experience. Mums, dads and family members are all welcome.

One-to-one parent support

Provided by parent supporters who have experienced the loss of a baby and who have undertaken bereavement support training. Parent supporters are available to talk with parents on the phone, or to visit them at home or in hospital. Call 1300 0 sands (1300 0 72637).

You can also email us for support: info@sands.org.au

Access publications and resources

For parents, families and friends

Sands produce a range of literature that can help answer your questions.

Information brochures on a wide range of topics are available for download (or can be posted to parents free of charge). Topics include:

Early pregnancy loss Father's grief Facing a subsequent pregnancy The booklet Your Baby Has Died (which has information for parents at all stages of grieving). A comprehensive library of books, papers, articles and DVDs (including books for young children) are available through your regional Sands office.

Hand-made clothing, including layettes and quilts for tiny babies, are free from most Sands offices.

For health professionals

Sands is committed to working in partnership with professional who provide care and support to parents following the death of a baby. Sands' eLearning professional development package Caring for Bereaved Parents assists health professionals learn more about best practice principles in caring for bereaved parents.

Sands' team of dedicated educators can conduct free in-house information sessions. To request this service, please contact your regional Sands office.

If you would like to order our information brochures in bulk, please contact your regional Sands office.

For community groups and educators

Often family and friends of a bereaved parent are not sure how to best support them through their loss. Sands representatives can visit your organisation and give interesting and engaging presentations on various aspects of pregnancy loss and grief.

Please contact your regional Sands office for more information.

Awareness campaigns

Sands conducts regular national awareness raising campaigns. If you would like to get involved, please contact your regional Sands office.


Our Annual Memorial Service is held each year for parents, families and friends. Each state holds memorial services at different times of the year, please contact your regional Sands office for more information.

You can sign up for our quarterly newsletter, which provides a source of communication for parents and has details of upcoming events.

Sands Australia National Council

ABN 47 437 480 296.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is wonderful! I remember the pressure of my twin sister's hand on mine before she died, before I was born. I still miss her, and I'm nearly 60 now. After a lot of healing in my soul, I no longer have that deep-seated grief; just joy that I knew her for that short space of time. Am looking forward to catching up with her again one day!
